天然氣化工 化學工業分支之一。以天然氣為原料生產化工產品的工業。天然氣通過凈化分離和裂解、蒸汽轉化、氧化、氯化、硫化、硝化、脫氫等反應可制成合成氨、甲醇及其加工產品(甲醛、醋酸等)、乙烯、乙炔、二氯甲烷、四氯化碳、二硫化碳、硝基甲烷等。 天然氣化工 - 天然氣化工以天然氣為原料生產化學產品的工業,是燃料化工的組成部分。由于天然氣與石油同屬埋藏地下的烴類資源,有時且為共生礦藏,其加工工藝及產品相互有密切的關系,故也可將天然氣化工歸屬于石油化工。天然氣化工一般包括天然氣的凈化分離、化學加工(所含甲烷、乙烷、丙烷等烷烴的加工利用)。 天然氣化工 - 天然氣加工過程 可分為凈化分離和化學加工。 凈化分離 包括從地下采出的天然氣,在氣井現場,經脫水、脫砂與分離凝析油后,根據氣體組成情況進行進一步的凈化分離加工。富含硫化物的天然氣,必須經過脫硫處理,以達到輸送要求,副產品的硫磺作為硫資源,用以生產硫酸、二硫化碳等一系列硫化物;脫硫后,天然氣經過深冷分離(見天然氣深冷分離),可得到液化天然氣(見甲烷);若天然氣富含稀有氣體氦,可同時得到氦氣(見彩圖);若天然氣是富含乙烷以上烷烴的濕氣,則可同時得到天然氣凝析液,后者常采用精餾的方法,以回收乙烷、丙烷、丁烷,并且還有一部分凝析油。 化學加工 包括在高溫下進行的天然氣熱裂解,主要生產乙炔和炭黑;天然氣蒸汽轉化或天然氣的部分氧化,可制得合成氣;天然氣經過氯化、硫化、硝化、氨化氧化、氧化可制得甲烷的各種衍生物;濕性天然氣中的乙烷、丙烷、丁烷和天然氣凝析液等,經蒸汽裂解或熱裂解可生產乙烯、丙烯和丁二烯;丁烷脫氫或氧化可生產丁二烯或醋酸、甲基乙基酮、順丁烯二酸酐等(見圖)。 天然氣化工 - 世界天然氣化工世界上約有50個國家不同程度地發展了天然氣化工。 分布狀況 天然氣化工比較發達的國家有美國、蘇聯、加拿大等。美國發展天然氣化工最早,產品品種和產量目前仍居首位。消耗于化學工業的天然氣,占該國化工行業所消耗原料和燃料總量的一半以上。20世紀70年代中期蘇聯調整了化學工業政策,加速發展天然氣化工生產。在西伯利亞天然氣產區新建生產裝置,大規模應用于合成氨、甲醇和乙烯、二硫化碳。目前,其天然氣化工產品產量僅次于美國。加拿大有豐富的天然氣資源,用于合成氨、尿素、甲醇和乙烯的生產。 主要產品方向 1980年世界主要國家的天然氣化工產品產量超過150Mt。年產 10Mt以上的產品有合成氨、尿素、甲醇、甲醛和乙烯。 在世界合成氨產量中,約80%以天然氣為原料。世界氨廠建設重點正由過去歐美等國轉向天然氣資源豐富地區。石腦油或燃料油為原料的氨廠將逐步向天然氣或煤為原料過渡(見合成氨工業)。 甲醇為世界大宗有機化工產品之一,世界甲醇生產中70%以天然氣為原料。甲醇應用方向除保持傳統用途外,正在開發替代能源和化工新產品的用途。 天然氣為原料的乙烯裝置生產能力約占世界乙烯生產能力的32%,其乙烯收率比以石腦油等輕質石油餾分為原料的約高一倍。隨著天然氣產量的增加和乙烷、丙烷回收率的提高,所占比例正在逐步增加。 天然氣化工 - 中國天然氣化工始于20世紀60年代初,現已初具規模,主要分布于四川、黑龍江、遼寧、山東、臺灣省等地。中國天然氣主要用于生產氮肥,其次是生產甲醇、甲醛、乙炔、二氯甲烷、四氯化碳、二硫化碳、硝基甲烷、氫氰酸和炭黑以及提取氦氣。70年代以來,已興建多座天然氣和油田伴生氣為原料的大型合成氨廠,以及一批中、小型合成氨廠,使全國合成氨生產原料結構中,天然氣所占的比例約達到30%;同時還興建了天然氣制乙炔工廠,以制造維尼綸和醋酸乙烯酯,乙炔尾氣用于生產甲醇。采用天然氣熱氯化法生產二氯甲烷以供感光材料工業作溶劑。目前,中國的天然氣一次化學加工產品總產量約為70年代初期的14倍。 天然氣化工 - 前景隨著世界對能源需要的增長,北海、中東、北非、南美和蘇聯的天然氣和石油伴生氣資源正在加速開發利用,世界天然氣產量穩定增長,為天然氣化工蓬勃發展提供充足的原料和能源。在這種條件下,天然氣化工的發展具有下述特點: 從天然氣出發的大宗化工產品,如氮肥、甲醇及其加工產品(甲醛、醋酸等)發展速度較快; 在烯烴的生產中,美國擴大了天然氣原料的使用量,中東和南美國家將計劃大力發展天然氣制烯烴工業,從而提高世界烯烴生產中天然氣原料所占比例; 以節能為中心的研究開發工作十分活躍; 新工藝相繼出現,特別是以合成氣為基礎的碳一化學更為突出。Natural gas and chemical industry One of the branches of the chemical industry. To natural gas as raw materials to produce chemical products industries. Separation and purification of natural gas through the cracking, steam reforming, oxidation, chloride, Sulfide, nitrification, and so on dehydrogenation reaction can be made of synthetic ammonia, methanol and their processed products (formaldehyde, acetic acid, etc.), ethylene, acetylene, methylene chloride, Carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulfide, nitromethane, and so on. Natural gas and chemical industry - natural gas to natural gas and chemical industry as raw materials to produce chemical products industry, chemical industry is an integral part of the fuel. As the oil and natural gas are both buried in the ground floor of hydrocarbon resources, and in some cases for the symbiotic mineral deposits, processing technology and its products are closely related to each other, it can also be attributed to natural gas and chemical industry Petrochemical. Natural gas and chemical industry in general, including the separation of natural gas purification, chemical processing (contained methane, ethane, propane, and other processing and utilization of alkanes). Natural gas and chemical industry - natural gas processing Can be divided into separation and purification of chemical processing. Purification, including separation from the underground natural gas in the gas field, dehydration, separation from sand and condensate oil, gas composition based on further clean separation processing. Sulfide-rich gas, desulfurization must be dealt with in order to meet delivery requirements of the by-product of sulfur as sulfur resources to the production of sulfuric acid, carbon disulfide and a series of sulfide; desulfurization, after a cryogenic gas separation (see cryogenic gas separation ), Available liquefied natural gas (see methane); if the gas-rich rare gas helium, helium can be obtained at the same time (see color pictures); if natural gas is rich in ethane paraffin over the moisture can be obtained at the same time natural gas condensate Analysis of fluid, which Rectification of the methods often used to recover ethane, propane, butane, and also part of the condensate. Chemical processing Including high temperature for the pyrolysis of natural gas to produce carbon black and acetylene; steam reforming of natural gas or partial oxidation of natural gas, synthetic gas can be obtained; natural gas through chlorination, sulfide, nitrification, ammoniated oxide, oxidation can be obtained A N all kinds of derivatives; in the wet gas ethane, propane, butane and natural gas liquid condensate, and so on, the steam cracker or pyrolysis to produce ethylene, propylene and butadiene; dehydrogenation of butane oxidation or produce small Diene or acetic acid, methyl ethyl ketone, and maleic anhydride, and so on (see Figure). Natural gas and chemical industry - the world's natural gas and chemical industry in the world, about 50 countries in varying degrees of development of natural gas and chemical industry. Distribution of natural gas chemical industry in more developed countries are the United States, the Soviet Union, and Canada. U.S. development of the first natural gas chemical industry, product variety and still top the current production. Consumption of natural gas in the chemical industry, accounting for the chemical industry raw materials and fuel consumption by more than half of the total. The mid-1970s the Soviet Union to adjust the chemical industry, chemical industry to speed up the development of natural gas production. Siberian natural gas producing areas in the production of new devices, used in large-scale synthetic ammonia, ethylene and methanol, carbon disulfide. At present, its chemical products and natural gas production after the United States. Canada is rich in natural resources, for ammonia, urea, methanol and ethylene production. The main direction of the product in 1980 of the world's major countries, chemical products and natural gas production more than 150Mt. With an annual output of more than 10Mt of the products of synthetic ammonia, urea, methanol, formaldehyde and ethylene. In the world of synthetic ammonia production, about 80% of natural gas as raw materials. World ammonia plant construction was the focus from Europe and the United States and other countries to rich natural gas resources in the region. Naphtha as fuel or raw materials to the ammonia plant will be natural gas or coal as raw material transition (See industrial ammonia). Methanol for the bulk of the world organic chemical products one of the world production of methanol in 70% of natural gas as raw materials. In addition to the direction of the application of methanol to maintain traditional uses, is developing alternative energy sources and uses of chemical products. Natural gas as raw materials of ethylene production capacity of ethylene production capacity of the world accounting for about 32% of its ethylene yield than light oil distillates such as naphtha as raw materials, about twice as high. With the increase in the production of natural gas and ethane, propane recovery rate of increase in the proportion of which are increasing. Natural gas and chemical industry - natural gas chemical industry in China started in the early 1960s, has now begun to take shape, mainly distributed in Sichuan, Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Shandong, Taiwan Province and other places. China mainly natural gas used in the production of nitrogen, followed by the production of methanol, formaldehyde, acetylene, methylene chloride, carbon tetrachloride, carbon disulfide, nitromethane, hydrocyanic acid and extraction of helium and carbon black. Since the 70s, has built more than natural gas and oil field associated gas as raw materials for large-scale ammonia plant, as well as a number of small and medium-sized ammonia plant, so that the national structure of the synthetic ammonia production of raw materials, natural gas share of about 30%; also be built at the same time A system of acetylene gas plant to manufacture Vinylon and vinyl acetate, acetylene gas used in the production of methanol. Use of natural gas for heat chlorination methylene chloride for the production of photographic materials for industrial solvent. At present, China's first natural gas processing chemical products output is about 70 times in the early 14's. Natural gas and chemical industry - with the prospect of the world's energy needs increase, the North Sea, the Middle East, North Africa, South America and the Soviet Union's gas and oil associated gas resources is speeding up development and utilization of the steady growth of world output of natural gas, natural gas and chemical industry to flourish and to provide sufficient raw materials Energy. Under such conditions, the development of natural gas and chemical industry has the following characteristics: From the start of the bulk of natural gas chemical products, such as nitrogen, methanol and their processed products (formaldehyde, acetic acid, etc.) with fast development; In the olefin production in the United States expanded the use of raw materials and natural gas, the Middle East and South American countries plan to develop natural gas to olefins industry, thereby enhancing the olefin production of natural gas in the world the proportion of raw materials; To energy-focused research and development work in very active; The new technology has emerged, particularly synthesis gas of carbon-based chemicals a more prominent.
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